About the Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition

Who are we?

We are an alliance of domestic violence advocates and counselors who recognize the need for trained, trauma-informed advocacy work for abuse victims in Presbyterian churches.  The Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition is a non-profit organization based in Maine.

Which Presbyterian denomination do we represent?

The focus of our work is primarily in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church of America.  However, we provide support to those in other denominations as well.

What do we believe?

The Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition is an organization rooted in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.  We believe the Bible is the Word of God, and we hold to the Apostles’ Creed as our statement of Faith.  

How does our work relate to the church?

The Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition serves Christ by assisting His church.  Our work is intended to "give justice to the weak and the fatherless, maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute, rescue the weak and the needy, deliver them from the hand of the wicked" (Psalm 82:3).  In following God's command to defend the oppressed, we work for the peace, unity, and purity of the church of Jesus Christ.


SUPPORT for victims of abuse

The Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition provides free and confidential support for victims of domestic abuse, clergy abuse, and sexual assault. Since every abuse situation is different, the services we offer vary as well. These may include:

  • Emotional support and information as an abuse survivor works through a difficult situation

  • Referral to local domestic violence organizations for legal assistance or shelter

  • Supporting an abuse victim in meetings with their pastor or session

  • Assistance with church courts, including help filing complaints/appeals or defending against ecclesiastical charges

  • Praying with you and for you

SUPPORT for church leaders

The Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition also seeks to assist church leaders in understanding and responding to domestic abuse, clergy abuse, and sexual assault situations. We can provide:

  • Information and training on abuse dynamics and response

  • Referral to resources, including local domestic violence agencies, independent investigation agencies, and training programs

  • Advocacy and support for identified abuse victims